Saturday, November 13, 2010


Greetings fellow viewers. Nicolas Keros again. Today's interview is about Charlemagne. Our guest today is Charlemagne.

Nicolas: Good afternoon Charlemagne.
Charlemagne: Good afternoon to you too Nicolas.
Nicolas: So, Charlemagne, do you have any important aspects of your life that you want to share with us today?
Charlemagne: Well, Charles Martel is my grandfather. I was the King of the Franks and currently the Emperor of the Romans. 
Nicolas: Ok. That sounds interesting. How long was your reign in these particular roles in Roman history?
Charlemagne: I was King of the Franks from 768 to about 800. Then, from 800 to current times, I am the Emperor of the Roman Empire.
Nicolas: Interesting. What was the purpose of making this empire?
Charlemagne: I expanded an empire from the Franks and affiliated with most of Western and Central Europe because I wanted to create history, Nicolas. I wanted to bring most of Europe together. Out of the previous rulers, they all struggled, except for my grandfather, Charles. I was the one, from 768-814, who didn't struggle and was able to make this vast empire.
Nicolas: Ok. Thats all we have for today. Thank you, Charlemagne, for coming. See you all next discussion.

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