Hello. Nicolas Keros again. Today's interview is about the Great Schism. Our guest today is Pope Leo IX from France.
Nicolas: Hello Leo.
Leo: Hi Nicolas.
Nicolas: Leo, what did the Great Schism do to Christianity during that time?
Leo: It divided Christianity into eastern and western branches. Later, that would become the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was on the Eastern Orthodox side.
Nicolas: When did this happen?
Leo: This happened during 1054.
Nicolas: Why did the churches split in the first place?
Leo: The churches split because we had political and geographical problems. The problem was I wanted Rome to be recognized as having a primacy, but Cerularius refused to support. Then we argued and divided the churches. A primacy is the state of being first in importance.
Nicolas: Ok. Thats all we have for today. Thank you, Pope Leo IX, for coming. See you all next discussion.
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