Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Axis Age/Golden Age in Greece

Hi. My name is Nicolas Keros. I am an interviewer from Greece. Today's interview is about the Golden and Axis Ages of Greece. Our guest today is Xerxes from Persia.

Nicolas: Hey Xerxes.
Xerxes: Hi Nicolas.
Nicolas: So, tell us Xerxes, how did the Golden Age of Greece become a part of world history?
Xerxes: The Greek army defeated my Persian army a while back and brilliantly defeated the Persian imperial rule. Also, I would like to add that Pericles defeated my army in the Battle of Mycale.
Nicolas: Ok. When did these battles take place?
Xerxes: These battles took place about 500-300BC.
Nicolas: Last question. Do you know what this age was sometimes called as?
Xerxes: Yes. This was called the Periclean Age. It is because Pericles was the leading statesman of Athens at the time.
 Nicolas: Well thank you, Xerxes, for your time. See you all next discussion.

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