Saturday, November 13, 2010

William the Conqueror

Hello. Nicolas Keros again. Today's interview is about William the Conqueror. our guest today is William the Conqueror from Normandy.

Nicolas: Greetings William.
William: Hello Nicolas.
Nicolas: So, William, why do the citizens of Europe call you "The Conqueror"?
William: They call me The Conqueror because I invaded England, with my army of Frenchmen, in 1066. 
Nicolas: What are you most famous for making?
William: I was most famous for making the Doomsday book. It was the record of the great survey of England and parts of Wales. This book was made in 1086.
Nicolas: When Edward the Confessor died, who were the possibilities of the next King?
William: It was me, Harold Godwinson, and Earl of Wessex. Harold was the next king because Edward wrote in his will that he was the next king. I am grateful of being a possibility though.
Nicolas: Ok. Thats all we have for today. Thank you, William, for coming. See you all next discussion.

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