Sunday, November 14, 2010

Columbus Leaves Spain

Hello. This is the season finale of the History of Europe. Our last topic for the season is about Christopher Columbus leaving Spain. Our last and final guest for the season is Christopher Columbus.

Nicolas: Hello Christopher
Christopher: Hello there Nicolas
Nicolas: So, Christopher, why did you travel to America in the first place?
Christopher: I thought that by sailing west I would find a quicker and easier route to the East so I can travel to India quicker.
Nicolas: What types of ships did you use?
Christopher: I had my big three ships. There is the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The Santa Maria was the biggest ship out of all of them. The capacity of that boat was about 90 people.
Nicolas: When was this marvelous expedition?
Christopher: It was from 1492 to 1493.
Nicolas: Describe to me what your journey was like?
Christopher: On Christmas Day in 1492, the Santa Maria hit a rock and was wrecked. After that, I had to leave 40 men behind and leave the Nina. Then, I reached America in March 1493.
Nicolas: Did you get any recognition for your braveness for your journey?
Christopher: I was made Admiral of the Ocean Sea and Governor of the Indies.
Nicolas: Ok. Thats all we have for the season. Thank you, Christopher, for joining us. See you all next season.

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