Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Crusades

Good afternoonToday's interview is about The Crusades. Our guest today Is Filip Leo's, a fellow crusader of my time period.

Nicolas: Hello Fillip.
Fillip: Hi Nicolas.
Nicolas: Who were the people involved and how long did the crusades happen?
Fillip: The people involved were mainly the Franks of France, and the Holy Roman Empire. The crusades were about 200 years from 1095 to 1291.
Nicolas: What were you guys fighting over for 200 hundred years?
Fillip: We were trying to restore Christian control of the Holy Land. Then, Spain and Eastern Europe continued this fight in the 15th century.  We originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule.
Nicolas: What impacts did the Crusades have on Europe?
Fillip: The Crusades had far-reaching political, economic, and social impacts because of internal conflicts among Christian kingdoms and political powers. Some of the crusade expeditions were diverted from their original aim, such as the Fourth Crusade, which resulted in the sack of Constantinople.
Nicolas: Ok. That’s all we have for today. Thank you, Fillip, for coming. See you all next discussion.


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